Exporting companies send their goods on behalf of the bank by showing the buyer company's bank as the buyer in some export shipments. In these shipments, the original ATR, invoice and all documents requested by the buyer to be sent to him are not included.
sent through banks. These uploads are called documents against documents.
When the goods go abroad, they are definitely not delivered without a written document from the bank that the payment is guaranteed before they are delivered.
The document approved by the Exporters' Union and the customs to which you will leave, containing all the information about the product to be transported to all countries.
Invoice of goods, bill of lading, delivery note, ATR/origin etc. containing the sender, consignee and goods details. It is the file on which the position number is indicated on which the documents are located.
It includes the name and address of the exporter company, the name and address of the importer company, the place where the goods will be delivered, the place of loading, the date, the type of goods, the type and number of packaging, the gross weight, the type of delivery and the vehicle license plate. It is arranged according to the agreements made by the sending and receiving companies. It is prepared by the exporting company, the customs officer of the exporting company or the manufacturing companies and forwarded to the transporter.
Bill of Lading (CMR)
Bill of lading is a document showing that the cargo has been received by the carrier for transportation. With this document, the acts and responsibilities arising from the transportation service on the load pass to the carrier. Therefore, the bill of lading has conditions for transportation, receipt and delivery. This contract, which is a legal document, is submitted to the seller after being approved by the buyer.
CMR INSURANCE CMR (Convention Marchandise Routier)
It is a contract that determines the responsibilities of the carrier by standardizing the conditions in international road transport. This convention was written in Geneva in 1978 and sent to the World States for signature by the United Nations in 1979. By signing this contract in 1995, our country started to carry out international road transport under the obligations of this contract.
It is the customs agreement for the international carriage of goods under the auspices of the TIR Carnet, carefully prepared under the supervision of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, UNECE (1975 TIR Convention).
The 1975 TIR Convention has been revised 20 times since 1978 in accordance with the developing economic conditions of the day, and the latest amendments have been implemented since 12 May 2002.
TIR Carnet is a customs transit document that facilitates international land transport and thus international trade.
The TIR System is a customs transit system used in the international transport of goods. There are five basic principles on which it is based.
1. Safety of vehicles or containers
2.International guarantee chain
3. TIR Carnet
4. Mutual recognition of customs controls
5. Controlled entry
Goods are transported in a sealed vehicle or container. These vehicles are approved by the customs authorities and this approval is renewed every two years.
Customs taxes and duties arising due to irregularities that may occur during the transportation process are under the security of the international guarantee chain.
The security measures taken by the departure customs are accepted by the transit and destination customs administrations.
In the TIR System, the duty of giving a carnet and being a guarantor institution is given by the competent national authorities. For carriers, entry into the system is given by the rationing and guarantor institution and national customs authorities.
INCOTERMS is a program implemented by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to standardize the terms used in international trade. INCOTERMS is a term created by combining some syllables from English (International Commercial Terms).
INCOTERMS, which was first published in 1936, was revised in 1963, 1967, 1976, 1980, 1990, 2000 depending on the changes in international trade. The current version is INCOTERMS 2010, which was revised by ICC on 27.09.2010 and entered into force on 1 January 2011.
The most radical change in the 2010 revision is the repeal of the four rules.
• DAF (Delivered at Frontier)
• DES (Delivered Ex Ship / Delivery on Ship)
• DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay / Dock Delivery)
• DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)
terms have been repealed with effect from the beginning of 2011.
Instead of these;
• DAT (Delivered at Terminal)
• DAP (Delivered at Place)
Two new terms were introduced. Thus, the number of Incoterms rules has been reduced from 13 to 11.
INCOTERMS has also been broadly divided into two groups. The rules covering all transport types were determined as seven as EXW – FCA – CPT – CIP – DAT – DAP – DDP. FAS - FOB - CFR - CIF rules were also gathered under the classification of "rules specific to sea and inland waterways" to cover only the types of transport by waterways.
A.TR Movement Certificate is a free movement certificate issued by the official institutions of the exporting country and visaed by the customs administrations in order to ensure that the goods in free circulation in Turkey or EU countries can benefit from the preferential regime stipulated in the annexed protocol, in short, it provides full or partial exemption of the material.
While filling out the A.TR Certificate by a Turkish exporter, all taxes (such as customs duty, mass housing fund, resource utilization support fund) of the goods written on the document or the imported inputs to be used in the production of this product are transferred to an EU country during the import of this product from third countries or to which it will be exported. must be paid at the time of export. Otherwise, A.TR certificate cannot be obtained.
If a commitment is made by the exporter saying "There is no imported input for which customs duty has not been paid in the production of our related goods", this document obtained from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or only from the Chamber of Commerce will be approved by the exporter's customs office of exit. This document must be submitted to the customs office of destination in the importing country within 4 months from the date of approval by the customs office. If the importer cannot present the A.TR Document to the customs administration in his country within this period, it is natural that he will not be able to benefit from the customs discount.
In other words, it will have to pay the normal customs duty. However, in this case, the importer may withdraw the goods by giving a guarantee, provided that the document is presented later. However, such a situation would not be welcomed by the importer. Because the price of the imported good will rise at least as much as the tax value, the cost of importing it will increase for him, so he will not be willing to import.
If a commitment has been made to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry that there is no imported input for which customs duty has not been paid in the production of the exported goods, but there was such an input, but this situation escaped the notice of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and aroused suspicion in the customs of the EU member country to which the goods were sent. It will be sent back to the exporter's Chamber of Commerce and Industry from the relevant EU country. The duration of the A.TR certificate is 4 months from the first business day following the issuance date of the document. In other words, the actual export of the goods whose name is written on the document must be made within 4 months.
One of the white copies of the A.TR Movement Certificate, which is filled in five copies, is kept by the chamber that carries out the approval process. After the visa process is completed by the customs administration, the first green copy of the document is given to the exporter. One of the white copies remains with the customs administration, and the other two copies are sent to the relevant chamber by the customs administration within the first business day following the actual export.
The Customs Union with the European Union includes industrial products. However, a group of products, which are mostly made up of food industry products and defined as processed agricultural products, are within the scope of the Customs Union.
Since tomato paste, canned fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, cheese, all kinds of frozen and dried foodstuffs, meat products are considered as agricultural products by the Community, these products are not included in the Customs Union. In order to benefit from the preferential regime in the trade of these products, an EUR.1 Movement Certificate is required to determine the originating status.
Another circulation document other than the A.TR circulation certificate is the EUR.1 Certificate. This document is issued by the exporter in order to benefit from customs discounts (exemptions) in the export of industrial products from Turkey to EFTA (European Free Trade Agreement Area; Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland) countries and from EFTA countries to Turkey. It is a document that is approved by the exit customs office after it is taken from the room and filled.
If the EUR.1 document is submitted by the importer to the customs office of destination within 4 months from the date of approval given by the customs office of exit, the importer may benefit from the applied tax reductions and exemptions. However, this document cannot be issued for every commodity. When goods are to be exported from Turkey to EFTA countries, EUR.1 is issued only for goods of 100% Turkish origin. In other words, this document cannot be issued for the export of goods containing imported inputs from Turkey to EFTA countries.
The most important difference between the circulation certificates A.TR and EUR.1 documents is that the A.TR certificate is limited to the foreign trade of manufacturing industry products only. For example; When exporting tomatoes to Italy, since tomato is a product within the scope of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and therefore outside the scope of the manufacturing industry, the Turkish exporter cannot issue an A.TR document for this product, instead, it can only issue an EUR.1 document. In some cases, the EUR.1 Movement Certificate can be issued, exceptionally, after the export of the products to which they belong. This document is proof of origin. For this reason, there is no need for a separate certificate of origin in cases where this document is available.
WHAT IS CMR (Convention Marchandise Routier)?
It is a road transport document used by countries that have accepted the provisions of the international CMR (Convention Marchandises Routiers) agreement and shows that the transport is carried out according to the provisions of the CMR. Issued by the freight broker or shipping company on behalf of the buyer. It is a legal evidence showing that the goods have been received in good condition to be transported under the specified conditions and that the contract of carriage has been made. It does not represent ownership of the goods. It is issued in three original copies. The first is given to the shipper, the second accompanies the goods, and the third remains with the carrier.
ADR (European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) is a directive that ensures the safe and regular transportation of dangerous goods by public road without harming human health and the environment. This directive also determines the responsibilities, obligations and working conditions of the senders, receivers, loaders, loaders, unloaders, packers, transporters and operators and drivers of all kinds of vehicles carrying dangerous goods. Documents and certificates received within the scope of this regulation are called ADR documents.
With Dangerous Goods Transport - ADR Dangerous goods by road were made in Geneva on September 30, 1957 and entered into force on January 29, 1968. The Agreement was amended on August 21, 1975 in New York in accordance with the “protocol of Article 14 (3) amending” and entered into force on 19 April 1985.
The entry into force of ADR standards in our country is 01.01.2010.
Necessary regulations were published in the Official Gazette dated 15.06.2008 and numbered 26907.
You can contact Megem for the ADR Certificate, which will come into force in our country in 2010 and is still valid in the countries party to ADR, and you can get the ADR Certificate valid in 44 countries and Turkey.
What is ADR, in other words,
ADR can be thought of as a chain of standards for safe transportation. The requirement to certify compliance with these standards by accredited organizations is also part of the ADR rule. With ADR, the main purpose of which is to ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods, it is also aimed to classify dangerous goods, determine conditions, and make routes and parking spaces suitable for certain criteria.
1. It is a semi-trailer that allows the transportation of loads different from the length, height, width and tonnage that normal trucks and yachts can carry, other than the standards according to the international road transport regulation, such as heavy construction machinery or special project loads.
2. Special trailer with reduced ground clearance for heavy transport.
3. It is a trailer used in heavy cargo transportation.
4. From one place to another, usually construction equipment, tanks, howitzers, etc. A vehicle used to load and ship vehicles. carrying (weight) capacity is quite high. Its curb weight is 70, 80 tons on average.
construction equipment, tank, howitzer etc. It is transported with a Low bed due to the deterioration of road stabilization due to the tracked nature of vehicles such as such vehicles or their low maximum speed.
5. In order for these vehicles to travel in traffic, a passenger vehicle, pick up, etc., traveling in front of them, with a long vehicle written on top of it, must be used. vehicle is required.
The Turkish name of this vehicle is low bed, but it is commonly known as Low bed in the market.